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The band “Otra puse” and its leader Normunds Pauniņš has a special present for their active supporters and fans. The first 200 tickets to the band’s grand concert on 7th of May in Riga, concert hall “Palladium” – for a special price.
Musical performance of the band’s “Otra puse” grand concert at the concert hall “Palladium” and Normunds Pauniņš voice will be complemented by a special guest – well-known percussionist of Latvia Rihards Zaļupe, as well as string quintet and back vocalists Laura Raila un Iveta Gaile. The concert also features a special guest – singer Aija Andrejeva, performing duet “Ave Pali”, which was recognized as the best song of “Musical Bank” and ranked the 1st two years ago. This music composition will be a surprise for the band’s fans –a musical experience they've never had before.
Latvian pop group “Otra puse” has started the year on a high note on the top rock and pop song list “Musical Bank 2013” of Latvian Radio. According to the combined judger’s score and public voting the latest title song of the band’s album “Uzzīmē mani” performed by Normunds Pauniņš featuring the talented Antra Stafecka took the honourable 2nd place. Yet, the band’s musicians never rest on their laurel and already are preparing for concerts “Uzzīmē mani” to take place in spring.
The grand concert includes “Otras puse” hits like “Vēstules”, “Ieskaties”, “Nakts vai Rīts”, “Dievs dod”, “Pēc lietus”, as well as songs from their new album “Uzzīmē mani”.
You can buy tickets on www.bilesuserviss.lv to the band’s “Otra puse” grand concert on 7th of May in Riga, concert hall “Palladium”.
The band invites its active supporters and fans to buy tickets to the grand concert now because only the first 200 tickets to the concert at “Palladium” are on sale for a special price – EUR 10!
The grand concert of the band “Otra puse” is sponsored by Dardedze Holografija, Radio Star FM, Kas Jauns newspaper, Draugiem.lv, TVNET, information service 1188, easyget.lv and others.
Follow the band: www.draugiem.lv/otrapuse and www.facebook.com/grupaotrapuse